Goal & Mission



“Growing Great People”


–     We believe teaching is the heart of what we do.

–     We believe every child can learn.

–     We educate the whole child.

–     We believe in meeting students’ social and emotional needs so they are ready to learn.

–     We believe diversity strengthens our school community.

–     We believe we have a collective responsibility for student  learning.

–     We believe early childhood programs build the foundation for  school and life success.

–     We believe in giving each student the hope, confidence, and skills to fulfill their highest potential.

–      We believe our schools  the center of our community  should build partnerships between families, volunteers, students, and staff.




Our vision is to create a safe environment where students and adults build new knowledge and skills, experience creativity and challenge, and grow as productive individuals and team members.

Narrow achievement gaps with respect to race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status and increase the achievement of students with special needs.



  • Create and build upon promising initiatives to meet the needs of all learners and ensure that all students succeed.