Rules & Uniform, Houses




House System at MNMV

To develop the spirits of competitions, leadership quality, confidence, strong will power and feelings of co-operation among the students ,we at MNMV follow the house system.
There are four houses and the students are divided into these four houses.


Sterling Spartans

The king and his Spartans

The Spartans were no ordinary men, they were warriors who stood for their honour, values and above all freedom. Known as the strongest race in all of Greece, the Spartans chose to focus their lives, their energies and their convictions in perfecting the one thing that the world talks of even today-soldiers who hold the honour and safety of their land and people above all else. Said to be highly-determined and committed, Spartans soldiers were seasoned with a training process that was aggressive, thorough and grueling, to say the least, only the finest could be called Spartans. The mammoth Persian army of thousands realized this the hard way.
The spirit of the Spartans lives on in our students.


Vanguard Vikings

A Tale of the Real Viking Hero

The Vikings were a race who, as explorers, warriors and raiders, carved a mark for themselves as conquerors of a path that was never before used to such an advantage-the mighty oceans and rivers.

Long ago on the south west coast of Norway was the abode called Foreness where the king’s ally Thorstein the Viking and his son Frithiof lived.

Feared and revered for the fierce battle tactics and vast knowledge of sea travel, the Vikings were unquestionably the masters of the sea. With their imposing wooden long ships, the Vikings mounted raids on the coasts of the powerful British Isles, Western Europe and much beyond. Their shallow draughted ships allowed them to penetrate inland cities by river and stream. No one dared to challenge a Viking. No one underestimated their sheer strength and presence, because a Viking was a master of the waters.

The spirit of the Vikings lives on in our students.


Noble Knights

The Knights of the Round Table

Riding for pride and honour, riding for the commoner, the king and the country, riding towards victory and light, there is no figure in history that can match the nobility and courage of the Knight. The most significant military strength in the European Middle Ages, the Knight commanded respect amongst the people and fear in the battlefield.
Clad in metal armour and armed with a lance and an unsettling shield, the Knight was the army’s frontline defense. Born to protect those who could not protect themselves, the onus of gaining the upper hand in a tricky military operation always rested on the capable and confident shoulders of Knights. It indeed is no surprise that even today, conferring knighthood on a deserving individual counts as one of the greatest honours of a lifetime. Always in front. Always ready. Always for others. This spirit of the Knights lives on in our students.

Tireless Trojans

A Brave Empire and The Wooden Horse

History Speaks volumes of the magnificent land that was the center of development and growth with port trade, iron production, exquisite clothing and course, impregnable defence. It was where the brave and the righteous ruled and Hector was above them all, a Trojan prince and one of the greatest fighters in the Trojan War.
Never really approving of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, Troy was forced into war when the Greeks attacked and drove the Trojans back. Various accounts in literature and travelogues speak of the eight occasions when the city of Troy was destroyed, but each time the Trojans rebuilt it stronger than before. Keeping off the feared Greek army for a whole nine years in the Trojans war so much that the great Greek army had to resort to the shameful Trojan Horse ploy to penetrate Troy, but not without a fight because the Trojans believed that giving up was not an option.
The spirit of the Trojans lives on in our students.





School Rules and Regulations

The school rules have been established in partnership with the community over a long period of time. They reflect the school community’s expectations in terms of acceptable standards of  behaviour, dress and personal presentation in the widest sense. Students are expected to follow the school rules at all times when on the school grounds, representing the school, attending a school activity or when clearly associated with the school i.e. when wearing school uniform.


Students have the responsibility:

  • To attend school regularly
  • To respect the right of others to learn
  • To respect their peers and teachers regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender
  • To respect the property and equipment of the school and others
  • To carry out reasonable instructions to the best of their ability
  • To conduct themselves in a courteous and appropriate manner in school and in public
  • To keep the school environment and the local community free from litter
  • To observe the uniform code of the school
  • To read all school notices and bring them to their parents’/guardians’ attention



should be worn tidily and correctly both at school and between home and school. The full school uniform must be worn at all times. Shirts are to be tucked in; socks are to be pulled up; heel straps in place. Where a situation arises concerning a student’s uniform, written requests for temporary wearing of non-regulation items must be referred to a Teacher, Supervisor or principal.

Students are to be clean-shaven at all times while representing the school.

No visible jewellery is to be worn. Jewellery of religious or cultural significance may be worn but must be covered at all times.
A student’s hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times. The length of the hair should be shorter. Hair should not be touching the shirt collar and should be off the face. The fringe when straightened /combed down must not hang in the eyes. The style of the hair should not be extreme including but not limited to mohawk, afro, shaved styles and/or patterns, hair tied up and braided with ribbons. The colour must be the student’s own natural colour; no dye nor highlights are allowed.

Make-up must not be worn. Students are not permitted to have visible tattoos.

Mobile Phone

Students will not be permitted to use mobile phones in the school.

Cyber Safety

There are times when inappropriate use of social media is brought to our attention then school will be rusticated that student.


Any form, verbal or physical, or any means of bullying or victimisation is strictly forbidden.


It is the responsibility of every student in the school to ensure that the school is free from litter. Students are also encouraged to take the responsibility for litter in their immediate vicinity and place any litter in the many bins placed around the school.


Students are required to attend all classes and remain in the school grounds. No student may leave the school grounds during interval or lunch without prior permission.
When leaving school during the day to attend dental/medical or similar appointments, the paresnts must sign in and out at the Attendance Office or to see a Principal.


Parents, please consider carefully the effect on learning and the consequences of asking for leave during school time. The process of applying for leave is for parents/guardians to write to the Headmaster well in advance, notifying dates and the reason for absence. Each application is considered fully by the student’s teachers ,supervisors , before being granted or otherwise by the Principal.


All students  must be at school by 7.30am. Latecomers must report to the Attendance Office before going to class.


Damage of any kind must be reported immediately to a teacher/principal. In the case of wilful damage or negligence, students will be expected to contribute part or all of the cost of repair.